Moda Health. Healthcare from your head to your toes. Delta Dental | Moda Health

Moda Health members

Use Member Dashboard to help get the most out of your plan with us.

Tell us what type of member you are for personalized help:

Welcome to Member Dashboard

Visit Member Dashboard — your personalized member website to

  • View benefits
  • Submit and review claims
  • Find health tools and resources
  • Pay your premiums and set up recurring payments for members on individual plans

Provider search

Find in-network providers including doctors, dentists, pharmacies and clinics.

LGBTQIA+ Support Hub

Moda Health plans and benefits are inclusive for all members, no matter how you identify. We're here to navigate this journey with you.

Use the Healthcare Cost Estimator to see what you may pay for specific medical care. Browse or search by procedure to get cost estimates based on your health benefits and usage.

Stay active in the gym or at home. With the Active&Fit Direct™ program, you have access to 16,000+ fitness centers across the country, 5,500+ digital workouts and the option to purchase a membership for a spouse or domestic partner.

Your Moda Health ID card

You will need your ID card at your provider. Moda Health is pleased to provide you the ease and convenience of a digital ID card. To access a PDF of your Moda Health ID card, log in to Member Dashboard.

Once logged into Member Dashboard, you can access your digital card from the member shortcuts box on the Member Dashboard homepage, or the "resources" tab.

Download ID card >

Shop for plans

Since 1955, we've provided quality health plans in the Pacific Northwest. For 2019, Moda offers individual medical plans for residents of most Oregon counties, and individual Delta Dental plans statewide in Oregon and Alaska.

Shop for plans

Since 1955, we've provided quality health plans in the Pacific Northwest. Delta Dental, a company under the Moda corporate, offers individual Delta Dental plans statewide in Oregon and later expanded to Alaska in 2006.

Impacted by Medicaid eligibility changes?

Medicaid redetermination is when the state checks to see if you still qualify for Medicaid. Paused during the COVID-19 pandemic, redetermination now takes place annually. If you no longer qualify for Medicaid because of a redetermination, you may find affordable coverage through a subsidized ACA Marketplace plan. Visit our Medicaid redetermination page to learn more and find your state Medicaid office.

NCQA accredited seal

Commercial Preferred
Provider Organization

Exchange Exclusive
Provider Organization

NCQA accredited seal

Moda Health Plan, Inc.
Commercial Preferred
Provider Organization

NCQA interim seal

Moda Assurance Company
Exchange and
Commercial Preferred Provider Organization

NCQA Accreditation is a nationally recognized quality evaluation that purchasers, regulators and consumers can use to assess health plans


We have exciting news to share. ODS is changing its name to Moda Health.

Moda comes from the latin term "modus" and means "a way". We picked it because that's what we are here to do: help our communities find a way to better health.

Together, we can be more, be better.

Please select the state you live in, or the state where your employer is headquartered, so we can tailor your experience:


Please select the state you live in, or the state where your employer is headquartered, so we can tailor your experience:

Changing your location to Oregon

You can return to your previous location in the site header.